Hiring Property Management Staff And Getting The Right People Onboard
A business, no matter its nature, is only as good as its employees. Hiring property management staff can be a difficult process, but it remains a critical part of running a property management company. The right staff members can lead you to success, while the wrong ones can drag down the entire team. The Importance of Hiring Property ManagementRead more
What Is Rental Housing Discrimination?
Rental housing discrimination is something all landlords and property managers must stay away from. It will put you and your business in danger of liability. Not only that, but it will also tarnish your credibility and reputation in the rental market. What Is Rental Housing Discrimination? Rental housing discrimination, otherwise known simply as housing discrimination, happens when a landlord orRead more
9 Valuable Tips To Help Fill Vacancies Quickly
For an investment property to be profitable, landlords need to have a steady stream of tenants renting their units. However, this is easier said than done. With the highs and lows of the real estate market, there are times when you may have difficulty finding tenants to fill your vacant units. To protect your profits, here are some valuable tips toRead more
Move-In Day Extras That Will Make The Difference
Move-in day can be very hectic for renters. They need to coordinate with different people and make sure that they are settled in their new rental unit by the end of the day. While landlords have their own move-in day tasks, adding in some extra touches can make all the difference to your new tenants. Here are some helpful tipsRead more
How To Attract Millennial And Gen Z Renters
As a rental property owner, one of your top priorities is to lower your vacancy rate in order to maximize revenue. Sometimes, though, attracting renters can come as a challenge, especially if your focus is on a singular demographic. Widen your search range to include prospective tenants that pose the most gainful potential — Millennial and Gen Z renters. HowRead more
Fall Maintenance Checklist For Property Managers And Landlords
The fall season is a time for wearing sweaters, jumping on piles of leaves, and making all the pumpkin-related recipes you can think of. But, it is also a time to make sure your rental property is in good condition by completing important fall maintenance tasks. Essential Items to Include in Your Fall Maintenance Checklist Maintenance ensures your rentalRead more
Pet Policy For Rentals: Minimizing Risks For Property Managers
Let's face it — pets pose risks. They can cause damage to furniture and landscaping as well as present a threat to neighbors if aggressive. Constructing a pet policy for rentals is a good way to protect your property and other tenants in the area. Creating an Effective Pet Policy for Rentals In 2014, a survey found that overRead more
Are You Charging The Right Rental Rate?
Setting the right rental rate can be challenging for most landlords. You don’t want to set the rent too low because it will affect your bottom line and you may attract lower quality tenants. At the same time, landlords cannot make the rental rate too high because it will turn off quality tenants. If you want to maximize the profitsRead more
8 Ways To Show Appreciation To Tenants
Turnover costs and unexpected vacancies can significantly affect your bottom line. To maintain the profitability of your rental property, landlords should make sure that their current tenants are happy and loyal. Show appreciation to tenants. From simple gestures to attractive incentives, here are tenant appreciation ideas that you can try. Why Do You Need to Show Appreciation to Tenants? Good tenantsRead more
How To Improve Customer Service In Property Management
Like in any business, customer service is paramount to successful property management. Providing excellent customer service in property management, though, is often easier said than done. Luckily, there are some customer support tips that can position your company above the rest. The Importance of Customer Service in Property Management Many Americans consider customer service as one of the decidingRead more
Living In An HOA Community: The Pros And Cons
Anyone who has ever tried living in an HOA knows that there are both advantages and disadvantages to it. If you are considering whether or not to move into an HOA community, it is important to consider both sides before making your decision. Living in an HOA: Is It for You? In the United States, over 70 million peopleRead more
What Are The Duties Of HOA Board Members?
Homeowners associations are governed by a board of directors. They manage the day-to-day operations of the association and ensure that the community functions properly. Thus, the overall success of a community will depend on the effectiveness of its board members. If you belong to an HOA, here is a primer on the complete duties of HOA board members. MainRead more
7 Ways To Improve HOA Governance
Poor governance can lead to a tarnished HOA reputation. Most people join homeowners associations to enjoy benefits like attractive amenities, convenient services, and high property values. However, unresponsive board members, restrictive policies, inefficient operations, and other issues can lead to the breakdown of an HOA. For the success of your community, here are some ways to improve HOA governance. Read more